Dating after 60 can seem overwhelming but entering the dating scene can make anyone feel uneasy regardless of age.
If you’re 60 or older and went through a divorce, widowed or maybe love hasn’t found you yet, there’s still companionship out there for you.
Age shouldn’t put a limit on when you should stop looking for love. You are never too old to find someone new, be happy or to seek passion.
Define your age, don’t let it define you.
The options available these days to find someone to suit what you’re looking for is endless.
Go at your pace. Start small especially if you’re dealing with grief from a recent loss whether it was from death or divorce, first and foremost make sure you’re healthy enough to be in a relationship.
Part of the dating process is to be ready to date
Dating after 60 doesn’t mean you need to speed things up. There is no need to rush into something you’re not ready for.
Deal with any emotions first and considering seeking out a therapist to address any issues if needed.
Think about adopting a pet in need of a home first if you’re not ready to enter into the dating scene but want to combat loneliness.
You’ll have a furry friend needing your love at any time of the day or night for many years to come and you never know, it could lead you to a fellow animal lover and potential partner down the line.
When you’re 100% sure you’re ready to “get back out there” consider some or all of these tips to find that someone special when dating after 60.
- Join a group meetup. Do you have a hobby? Do you like to go to the movies? Interested in running? Enjoy trying out new restaurants? Staying active can keep the mind and body young and lead to the companion you’ve been searching for.
A casual way to meet someone and have fun without the expectations of a date is to consider joining a local meetup group.
Participate in fun outings, introduce yourself to new people and gain new friends that can lead to something more down the road.

If there’s an activity out there that brings you joy, chances are there’s a group waiting for a new member. Join a senior meet up near you!
2. Ask friends. Friends are one of the best resources when trying to find someone new to date. They know the most about you and can be great matchmakers.
Their circle of friends is people they trust and know how their personality and habits could mesh with yours.
This also includes connecting or reconnecting with single friends, old or new. Consider picking up the phone, writing an email or using social sites to say hello.
3. Online dating. A lot of singles 55 and older know what they are looking for and don’t want to waste time sifting through candidates.
If this sounds like you, consider checking out online dating sites.
Sort through potential matches by age, body type, activities, beliefs, wealth and many more options.
Read about them, browse their photos and exchange messages in a safe and protected environment before meeting up.
More and more seniors are using the internet for finding someone to spend quality time with.
Ask a single friend their experiences of looking for a partner or a new interest. You might be surprised by how many have used dating sites and have had great experiences with them.
Having dinner with someone, seeing a Broadway show, shopping and developing a great relationship could be a few clicks away.
Try online dating sites made specifically for seniors such as:
Don’t forget to read reviews on dating sites before choosing, try out more than one and learn how to stay safe on the internet plus avoid dating scams from fake profiles.
4. Church. Sharing someone’s faith and belief system can be a great starting point for dating after 60. Look at the church’s community events calendar and check to see if yours offers senior singles nights.
This is a great way to find someone in the local area trusted by other residences of the same community.
You’d be surprised at who might show up to singles night and it just may be someone hoping they’d see you there but were too afraid to ask you out on a date.

5. Volunteer. Helping others in need will make you feel good regardless if you find a compatible partner in the mix.
Look for an opportunity in your area to help others such as Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House, organize a neighboorhood watch, or serve dinner at a homeless shelter.
Find additional volunteer opportunities just for seniors through
6. The local senior community center. Best way to find other seniors is to visit a senior center near you. Most senior centers provide activities, classes, and events catered to ages 55+ with something available every day of the week.
7. Part-time job. Jobs can occupy time, bring in additional income and give a sense of purpose to your day.
Dating after 60 could mean you’re ready to get out there but need some practicing from being out of the scene for a long while.
A part-time job will create an opportunity to introduce yourself to all different kinds of people on a daily basis.
It’s a great place to practice striking up conversations and getting yourself out there in a no pressure, simple and manageable way.
Remember, dating after 60 doesn’t mean you’re replacing a lost love.
It doesn’t mean you’re ready to have sex or be committed to a long-term relationship. Maybe it’s just someone to go to the movies with or to flirt with from time to time.
Be open and honest, establish what you’re looking for and get out there! Don’t settle for less and remember to have tons of fun while you’re at it.