
Welcome to OurSeniorSafety.com

My name is Sharon and it’s nice to meet you! I hope you will interact with me throughout my posts about senior safety and I also want to extend my gratitude for visting the site.

This site is a passion project for me. My husband and I both are at the age where we have aging parents entering into their senior years. We both want them to be as safe and as happy as possible and are consistently worried about their wellbeing.

Over the last few years, as technology continues to explode, and the internet evolves, I’ve had to protect my aging loved ones from scams, as they are one of the most targeted groups for fraud. I’ve been researching how to keep my loves ones not only connected to the digital world but safe at the same time while living happily in this new age.

Sharing the Love

I’m in digital marketing and have a passion for writing.  My first idea was to have a blog dedicated solely to senior fraud. I put this in the back of my mind but other issues started to happen with my aging parents. How can they interact in the digital world with new technology? What are the tools made just for them? This led me to the discovery of easy to use computers, tablets, and other electronic devices for seniors of all ages.

I also discovered products which can monitor their health conditions with built-in alerts for medical attention which can help them live independently in their own home. Research is a big part of my daily life and as I solve their problems beyond avoiding scams and learn how to protect them while letting them live life to the fullest, I will post it here.

What Problems Are You Facing?

This blog is for the children of seniors and for the seniors themselves. Please use the contact form if there is a topic you’d like me to write about or if even if you’d like to just drop a line and say hello.